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Главная » 2009 » Февраль » 23 » Sea Of Silence Vol. 4
Sea Of Silence Vol. 4
Sea Of Silence Vol. 4

Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Sea Of Silence Vol. 4
Жанр: Lounge, ChillOut
Год выхода: 2009
Формат: Mp3
Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps
Размер: 221 mb


CD 1

Track 01 - Soho Lounge - Skill
Track 02 - Mandarava And Miyagi - Inner Silence
Track 03 - Lounge Generation Feat. Namara - Inner Voice
Track 04 - Class A - Into The Dawn
Track 05 - Airstream One - Nothern Sphere
Track 06 - Digi Molekular - After The Storm
Track 07 - Jim Shaker - Mirage
Track 08 - Cosmic Enemy - My Nightwalk
Track 09 - Alex Riviera - La Onda
Track 10 - Saahir - Exhale
Track 11 - Sharion - Pleasure
Track 12 - Enfant De Luxe - En Vol Plane
Track 13 - Dakini Mandarava - Mother Earth
Track 14 - Heritage - The Tower

CD 2

Track 01 - Deleerious 3 - Inspiration
Track 02 - Dakini Manarava - Spring Awakening
Track 03 - Without Face And Without Number - La Coccinelle
Track 04 - Two Kings - Waves
Track 05 - 10 Seconds Feat. Paolo - La Mer Diane
Track 06 - Three Pillows - Shades
Track 07 - Boogaloo's Heart - Vinylistic Sun
Track 08 - Nepal Tigers - Open Eyes
Track 09 - TS Screw - Half Way There
Track 10 - ABC OF Fouls - Swet Mystery
Track 11 - Asian Worries - Hologram
Track 12 - Class A In Orient - Va-ee-ro-chana
Track 13 - Akmusique - Blue Flying Buddha
Track 14 - Vico Mc Donald - Connor

Play Time: 151:49 min

Качайте и наслаждайтесь хорошей музыкой!

Sea Of Silence Vol. 4

Категория: Музыка | Просмотров: 83028 | Добавил: mysf | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Февраль 2009  »
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